Minsk is a capital and largest city in Belarus. See below for information on recommended hotels, traveling to Minsk, and getting around the city.
Hotel recommendations
There are 50 hotels in Minsk which can accommodate over 11,000 guests. Based on location and facilities the recommended hotels are the following
Budget variants
5. Akademicheskaya Hotel - the closest to the conference venue
Travel Information

By plane. Minsk can be reached by plane, train, bus and car. All flights arrive at the National Airport Minsk (MSQ) 37 km north-east from the city. The airport is served by buses no. 300Э and 173Э and shuttle buses No. 1400-TK and 1430-TK from/to Centralny bus terminal, next to the main railway station (Minsk Pasažyrski). The timetable is available on the airport and Minsktrans websites or check at the airport bus stop. At the Centralny bus terminal, tickets are sold at the ticket office. At the airport, they can be bought from the bus driver for cash or from a ticket machine inside the bus stop shelter and by the main exit from the airport building - paid by debit/credit cards.
If you take taxi from the airport you can use several options, including Uber, Yandex Go and the official airport transfer service 7373.
By train. It is possible to get to Minsk by railway. More information about the timetables and prices is available on Belarusian railways official site
By bus. Several carriers operate in Belarus offering the connenctions with major European cities. They include Minsktrans (you can buy tickets online here (in Russian)), Ecolines and Intercars companies. All the buses arrive to the central bus station in Minsk.
To get to Belarus by car you need an international driving license and insurance. Almost all major roads in Belarus are now toll roads and to collect road toll for the passage along motorways a digital system called BelToll is used. The length of toll roads is 1613.6 km. You can find a map here and more information about the toll roads on the Beltoll website.
Since October 17, 2021 foreign citizens of 76 countries (including most European countries, Australia, USA, Japan, etc.) can enter Belarus for up to 30 days without getting visa. The Decree applies to those entering Belarus and exit from the country only through the State border checkpoints of the Republic of Belarus “Minsk National Airport”, "Airport Brest", "Airport Gomel", "Airport Grodno", "Airport Mogilev", "Airport Vitebsk" (except for flights from/to the Russian Federation). Additional information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. If you need a visa to enter Belarus, please send us an invitation letter request, via email pppt11@ifanbel.bas-net.by. Please allow up to 2–3 business days for a response. The Organizing Committee will prepare and send you an official invitation letter, satisfying all the requirements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Citizens of certain countries have the right of visa-free travel in Belarus without the limitations listed above.
Public transport in Minsk
Get around by using bus, tram, Metro (subway) or rent a car. All public transport in Minsk operates from 05.30-00.30. The ticket for a single trip costs 0.85 BYN (0.90 BYN for a subway token). More information about the public transport can be found at the Minsktrans website.