The Conference program will include following types of presentations:
1. plenary (40 min),
2. invited (40 min)
3. sectional reports (20 min),
4. poster presentations
5. short poster presentations
The conference language is English
The Conference halls (located in the Institute of Physics, NAS of Belarus) will be equipped with overhead projectors and video-beamers for computer presentation.
Oral presentations
Oral presenters will have 20 minutes for their talks and discussion. The recommended duration for the talk is 15 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions. Participants are welcome to use the provided computer with software for showing slides in PPT, PPTX and PDF formats. Participants should upload their files and test their presentations before the session.
Poster presentations
We recommend to prepare A1 size poster in portrait. Poster session halls will be furnished with the 1.5x1.0 m2 poster panels. Organizers will provide participants with all the necessary equipment to hang the posters. Participants can put their posters up at the beginning of the day of their poster session or just before it.
Short Poster presentations
All the poster presenters will have an opportunity to introduce their posters during the short poster presentation session (3 min, max 2 slides in either PowerPoint or PDF format). The slides should summarize the poster and should not be a repeat of your poster. If you are willing to participate in it you need to send your slides to the conference email with the subject 'Poster slides' no later than 5PM the evening preceding short poster presentation session.