The topics of the PPPT-11 Conference:
1. Modeling of plasma processes, plasma dynamics, optical and thermodynamic properties of plasmas
2. Electrical discharges and other plasma sources, novel plasma generation approaches
3. Atmospheric pressure plasmas, plasma in and in contact with liquid, plasma-liquid interactions
4. Non-ideal and dusty plasmas, extreme plasma regimes, fusion and astrophysical plasmas
5. Laser and plasma interactions with materials, laser ablation, modification of materials by plasma and laser treatment, sputtering and deposition
6. Plasma spectroscopy and other diagnostic methods, plasma chemistry
7. Plasma applications and advanced plasma technologies (plasma for nanomaterials synthesis and processing, plasma in medicine and biology, plasma in agriculture, water treatment and decontamination, plasma in spectrochemical analysis, plasma in catalysis, plasma metallurgy, etc.)