Due to the uncertainty of the current pandemic situation, the organizing committee of PPPT-10 has decided to run the conference as a hybrid event, allowing in-person and remote participation
Welcome from the Organizing Committee
Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 10th International conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT-10), which will be held as a hybrid conference from September 12 to September 16, 2022 in Minsk, Belarus.
The PPPT Conferences are organized by B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and take place in Minsk every 3 years since 1994 pursuing the idea of bringing together the scientists and engineers working on various aspects of plasma physics aiming to exchange the new results and ideas for advancing the field of plasma science from the understanding and modeling the plasma processes up to their applications in different fields.
The structure of the Conference will be a single session style conference, consisting of invited and oral talks given by world leading experts from plasma science community. In addtion, there will be poster sessions, where attendants and particularly early career scientists and students are encouraged to present their work related to the fields covered by the PPPT-10.
Although the PPPT-10 will be held as a hybrid conference, we encourage you to consider participating in-person to enjoy the intensive discussions with other participants. However, recognizing the uncertainty with the travel restrictions during the ongoing pandemic, you do not have to decide on the type of your participation (in person or virtual) at the time of submitting your abstract, but you will have time to do so until the beginning of September.
Researchers from research institutes, universities and industry are welcome to join this event and share their findings on various topics related to plasma science, such as:
1. Fundamental physical processes and phenomena in plasmas
2. Electrical discharges and other plasma sources, novel plasma generation approaches
3. Atmospheric pressure plasmas, plasma in and in contact with liquid, plasma-liquid interactions
4. Non-ideal and dusty plasmas, extreme plasma regimes, fusion and astrophysical plasmas, collective and nonlinear phenomena
5. Laser-plasma interactions with materials, laser ablation, modification of materials, sputtering and deposition
6. Plasma diagnostics and modeling
7. Plasma applications and advanced plasma technologies (plasma for nanomaterials synthesis and processing, plasma in medicine and biology, plasma in agriculture, plasma in catalysis, etc.)
We are looking forward to your contributions to the PPPT-10 conference to make it a successful event.
PPPT-10 Organizing Committee
In memory of Victor S. Burakov

The 10th International conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology is dedicated to the memory of Victor S. Burakov.
Professor, Academician V.S. Burakov was one of the founders of the PPPT conferences and was standing at the origin of the plasma research field in Belarus. He was an inspiring scientist and leading plasma researcher who made seminal contributions to the fields of plasma physics, optics and laser spectroscopy. He developed methods for laser diagnostics of plasma, studied the patterns of interaction of laser radiation with plasma and nonlinear optical phenomena in it, developed methods for controlling the characteristics of laser radiation using plasma. Prof. Burakov supervised the creation of the first excimer laser in Belarus, created a lidar system based on it for monitoring the state of the atmosphere. Under his supervision, the diagnostic and analytical possibilities of selective laser spectroscopy including laser-induced fluorescence and intracavity laser spectroscopy were considered, and samples of a highly sensitive spectrometers were created. Prof. V.S. Burakov participated in the creation of specialized diagnostic complexes for laser-fluorescence monitoring of the plasma state in tokamak facilities. The information obtained about the processes in the near-wall plasma of a tokamak under conditions of interaction of powerful energy flows with walls turned out to be extremely important for the further development of research in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion. Successful studies of tokamak plasma by laser fluorescence spectroscopy initiated the creation of similar diagnostics at most high-temperature plasma facilities. A number of works are devoted to the study of physicochemical processes in low-temperature plasmas, including those generated by laser irradiation, that opened up prospects for the synthesis of new materials at nanoscale. V.S. Burakov took an active part in the development of a new topical field of modern physics - the synthesis of nanosized particles and structures in the processes of laser ablation and electric discharges in liquid media. A new research area has been established - plasma-activated synthesis of nanomaterials in liquid. Among the most important developments of liquid phase plasma synthesis of nanoparticles are a gas-liquid interfacial discharge and a plasma-laser reactor based on the electrical discharge inside the solution for synthesis of metallic, oxide and composite nanoparticles with controllable parameters. Also, of great practical importance is the development of new express approaches of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for composition analysis of materials. He contributed to the development and implementation of these methods for analysis of environmental samples, archaeological finds, works of art, including calibration-free approach which does not require a reference samples.
As a co-organizer of PPPT conferences, he greatly contributed to its expansion and growing success over the years following its inception. In honoring his memory, the organizing committee has decided to present the ‘V.S. Burakov Young Investigator Award’ to a young scientist who will deliver the best presentation at the conference.
The conference is Organized by
B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of sciences