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VIII International Conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT-8)
will be held in Minsk, from Monday 14th to Friday 18th of September, 2015. The preceding Conferences took place in Minsk in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012.
Over 170 scientists from 12 countries have attended the last PPPT-7.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the PPPT-8 and contribute original papers related to the topics covered by the Conference.
The Conference Organizing Committee will try to make your stay in Minsk useful and pleasant.
!!!Take conference photos!!! |
Conference organized by
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The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: The State Scientific Institution "B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" |
Russian Academy of Sciences: The Federal State Budget Institution of Science "Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS" Scientific Council of RAS "Physics of Low Temperature Plasma" |
The al-Farabi Kazakh National University |
Co-operating with and sponsored by
The A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus
The Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research
The Belarusian Physical Society
SOLAR LS «Laser Systems & Spectral Instruments»
SOL instruments Ltd.
Standa Ltd.
The Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
The National Nanotechnological Laboratory of Open Type, al-Farabi Kazakh National University
International Supervisory Committee
Chairman: S.Ya. Kilin (Belarus)
S.V. Ablameiko (Belarus), M.K. Bologa, (Moldova), A.P. Dostanko (Belarus), S.V. Gaponenko (Belarus), A.F. Ilyushchenko (Belarus), N.S. Kazak (Belarus), N. Konjevic (Serbia), F.N. Liubchenko (Russia), V.A. Orlovich (Belarus), O.G. Penyaz'kov (Belarus), N.A. Ratakhin (Russia), Yu.V. Tsvetkov (Russia).
International Organizing Committee
Chairmen: V.S. Burakov (Belarus), V.E. Fortov (Russia), T.S. Ramazanov (Kazakhstan)
Vice-chairmen: V.M. Astashynski (Belarus), O.F. Petrov (Russia), A.E. Davletov (Kazakhstan)
Scientific secretary: I.I. Filatova (Belarus)
e-mail: pppt8@dragon.bas-net.by
I.Sh. Abdullin (Russia), Yu.S. Akishev (Russia), A.S. An'shakov (Russia), V.I. Arkhipenko (Belarus), M. Bartlova (The Czech Republic), B.N. Bazylev (Germany), L. Boufendi (France), V.Ya. Chernyak (Ukraine), A.N. Chumakov (Belarus), K.N. Dzhumagulova (Kazakhstan), M.T. Gabdullin (Kazakhstan), I.E. Garkusha (Ukraine), V.K. Goncharov (Belarus), T. Callegari (France), H. Kersten (Germany), F.F. Komarov (Belarus), N.N. Koval’ (Russia), G. Kroesen (The Netherlands), M. Kuraica (Serbia), V.A. Kurnaev (Russia), H. Kurniawan (Indonesia), Yu.A. Lebedev (Russia), V.E. Messerle (Kazakhstan), G. Morfill (Germany), A.L. Mosse (Belarus), G. Paskalov (USA), Z.Lj. Petrovic (Serbia), J. Pichal (The Czech Republic), A. Rousseau (France), L.V. Simonchik (Belarus), R. Soni (India), G. Szentgyorgyi (Hungary), Z. Szymanski (Poland), N.V. Tarasenko (Belarus), V.А. Titov (Russia), V.V. Uglov (Belarus), V. Valincius (Lithuania), A.N. Veklich (Ukraine), V.A. Zhovtyanski (Ukraine).
Belarusian Organizing Committee
Chairman: L.V. Simonchik
Secretary: I.S. Nikonchuk
S.I. Ananin, V.V. Azharonok, N.B. Bazylev, M.V. Belkov, Ya.I. Bogdanovich, S.V. Bordusov, N.A. Bosak, L.V. Butsen, P.V. Chekan, N.I. Chubrik, E.A. Ershov-Pavlov, S.V. Goncharik, K.Yu. Katsalap, V.V. Kiris, E.A. Kostyukevich, L.E. Krat’ko, E.A. Kruplevich, A.M. Kuz’mitski, V.A. Lyushkevich, N.S. Metel’skaya, M.I. Nedel'ko, A.V. Pavlova, V.Yu. Plavski, V.V. Podkopaev, S.G. Rusov, V.V. Shkurko, I.P. Smyaglikov, K.L. Stepanov, N.N. Tarasenka, M.S. Usachonak.
The scientific programme will include invited lectures, oral and poster presentations, and discussions on the following topics:
1. Electrical and optical discharges, elementary and near-electrode processes
(corona, streamer, spark, barrier, surface, glow, high-frequency, arc, and optical discharges; discharges in liquids; microplasma discharges and plasma jets)
2. Transport, optical, and thermodynamic properties of plasma
(plasma dynamics, heating mechanisms, plasma diagnostics)
3. Generation and interaction of concentrated energy fluxes with a surface
(plasma accelerators; electron and ion beam sources; modification of properties of materials and coatings by electromagnetic radiation, and electron or ion beams; reactions on a surface; laser and plasma treatment of materials; plasma deposition of coatings)
4. Non-ideal and dusty plasmas
5. Plasma applications
(synthesis of nanoscale structures, nanotubes, and fullerenes; plasma light sources; plasma medicine and plasma biology; plasma in engineering industry, micro- and nanoelectronics, chemistry, metallurgy, ecology, in spectrochemical analysis, etc.)
School for Young Scientists
Within the framework of the Conference programme, the school for young scientists (under 30 years) will be organized to offer a series of lectures on priority directions in plasma physics and plasma technologies.
The Conference scientific program will include plenary (40 min), invited (30 min) and sectional reports (20 min), poster presentations and discussions.
The Conference halls (located in buildings of both the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Physics, NAS of Belarus) will be equipped with overhead projectors and video-beamers for computer presentation. Poster session halls will be furnished with the 1.5x1.0 m2 poster panels.
Tentatively, daily room charges depending on the comfort level will range from $50 to $200. Rooms at Minsk hotels can be reserved for the Conference participants. More information about accommodation in Minsk hotels is available on the websites: http://www.hotels-minsk.com/hotels.htm, http://www.belhotel.by/.
Social Program  pdf  NEW!
The conference participants and accompanying persons are expected to take part in various social eventsincluding a welcome reception, tours of the city of Minsk and its vicinities, visiting museums, theatres, and concert halls.
Sponsored exhibitions and exhibitors    NEW!
During the conference in Hall 1 will be held a number of exhibitions of our sponsors:
SOLAR LS «Laser Systems & Spectral Instruments»  - Belarus
SOL instruments Ltd.  - Belarus
Standa Ltd.  - Lithuania
How to get to the Institute of Physics of NAS of Belarus and to Presidium of NAS of Belarus
From the railway station by the underground train (Ploshchad Lenina St. to Akademia Nauk St.).
From Minsk 2 Airport by bus No. 300 to metro "Uruchye"
(approximately 30 min) then (Uruchye St. to Akademia Nauk St.) (approximately 15 min);
or by bus No. 300 to bus station "Moskovskiy"
then by bus No. 100 to Dom Pechyati St.
More information for regular-route buses between Minsk and Minsk National Airport can be found
on the following website.
Conference Fee
Regular Fee | Fee for young scientists |
Before September 1st, 2015 | €280* | €150* |
During registration at the Conference | €300* | €180* |
The fee covers participation in the Conference work, one copy of the Conference Proceedings,
coffee-breaks, welcome reception, and city tour of Minsk.
A procedure of payment will be specified in the 2nd Announcement.
In US dollars: | In Euro: | В российских рублях: | В белорусских рублях: |
Institute of physics of NAS of BELARUS 220072 Minsk, Republic of Belarus, Nezavisimosti avenue, 68 Bank: Joint Stock Company «Savings Bank «Belarusbank» SWIFT-code: AKBBBY2XXXX Branch 529 «Belsviaz» Belarusbank Bank code: MFO 153001720 Account No. 3632928060024 Bank of correspondent: CITIBANK N.A., NEW YORK SWIFT-code: CITIUS33 Acc. 36316365 |
Institute of physics of NAS of BELARUS 220072 Minsk, Republic of Belarus, Nezavisimosti avenue, 68 Bank: Joint Stock Company «Savings Bank «Belarusbank» SWIFT-code: AKBBBY2XXXX Branch 529 «Belsviaz» Belarusbank Bank code: MFO 153001720 Account No. 3632928060024 Bank of correspondent: COMMERZBANK AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN SWIFT-code: COBADEFF Acc.400886596600EUR |
Государственное научное учреждение «Институт физики имени
Б.И.Степанова Национальной академии наук Беларуси» 220072 Беларусь, г.Минск, пр.Независимости, 68 УНП 100217336 Расчетный счет №3632928060024 в филиале №529 «Белсвязь» ОАО «АСБ Беларусбанк» г.Минск, код 153001720 Кор.счет ОАО СБ «Беларусбанк» 30111810700000000063 Банк-Корреспондент: ПАО «Промсвязьбанк», Москва PROMSVYAZBANK PJSC, MOSCOW Кор.счет 30101810400000000555 в ОПЕРУ Москва Банка России, БИК 044525555 ИНН 7744000912 SWIFT-code: PRMSRUMM Acc. 30111810300000843901 |
Государственное научное учреждение «Институт физики имени Б.И.
Степанова Национальной академии наук Беларуси» УНП 100217336 ОКПО 03534920 Юридический адрес: 220072 г. Минск, пр. Независимости, 68 Расчетный счет 3632928060011 в филиале №529 «Белсвязь» ОАО «АСБ Беларусбанк» г. Минск, пр. Независимости, 56 МФО 153001720. |
Important Dates
Registration on the Conference website | May 15, 2015 |
Final manuscript submission | June 30, 2015 |
Conference fee payment | September 1, 2012 |
Coference work | September 14-18, 2012 |
First Announcement | Second Announcement | Rules for papers |  New! | |
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Eng pdf doc | Eng pdf | Template doc | Program, Vol 1, Vol 2 |
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Rus pdf doc | Rus pdf | ||

Address of Organizing Committee
Dr. Irina Filatova
PPPT-8 Organizing Committee
Institute of Physics of NAS of Belarus
68 Nezavisimosti Ave.
220072 Minsk, BELARUS
Phone: (+375) (17) 284-23-46
Fax: (+375) (17) 284-08-79
E-mail: pppt8@dragon.bas-net.by